
Coriolanus or is the madness now over ?

So the Coriolanus madness is now over ... and tumblr is a freaking shitstorm - fans bad mouthing other fans and even Tom is feeding into it.
It´s crazy every frikking word he says is like some holy grail, and the girls go crazy. Just to point it out it is normal for a fan to run after his crush - ever heard of beatlemania ? Remember Robert Pattinson being almost in an accident because they forced him off the sidewalk. Is it alright? Most certainly not - but it´s not my job to tell other fans what to do or not, for gods sake. They behave as if 500 people were running after him after the play - just because of a few tweets of a group running after him and Benedict.

And the other thing of cause it´s irritating to hear from a stranger that you have changed or saved his life ... like what did I do?
And it´s dangerous - there have been Teens taking their own life after their Idols have died or end their career. It´s downright fucking scary. But he is considerate and tries to talk them down by things like 'you did change your life'

And that damn stalking theme - just because you ran after a celeb, wait for him at places you hope he´s gonna be - try to find out where he lives - is just a regular fan basics. Fan comes from the word FANATIC remember? This is not stalking. It´s used in a total different mannor. "Stalkers may use threats and violence to frighten their victims. They may also engage in vandalism and property damage or make physical attacks that are mostly meant to frighten."
Really now I´m more concerned about the Paparazzi and Autograph hunters then by some obsessive Fans.

ahhhh ... sorry I´m just so pissed at that Fanpolice thing - really now if I read a tweet about Tom being a street away from me - do you really think I would stay at home ? NO I FRIKKING WOULDN´T!
And it´s a total different matter to share my obsession with other fans.
Cause I would never - EVER - act like this before him. I don´t care about his personal space and respect or all that crap - I simply want to make him feel appreciated, let him know how amazing and extraordinary his work is and how much I enjoy spending my time within his movies. That´s simply it.

For heaven´s sake I feel so often attacked - cause I am obsessive. He is everything for me in my life right now. You could say he is my spiritual guidiance - cause he is my ideal. Everything I want to be - I even envy him sometimes for being so positive and kind - that he is able to love people. Just for being people.
Cause I know I don´t. I want to. And I want to see the glass half full - what is pretty hard to do when you´re a shut in and a depressed pessimist.
He is my emotional leader in a way ... but he in the end is just also a guy who loves his work - who is blessed to live his dream. So let him breathe a bit. He has bad days too. He is no saint and certainly no god.

Don´t let other people talk you down - stay a Hiddlestoner even if others fans bash at you. It´s about Tom - and not about them !

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