
Well Tom and Jane

Tom and his probably girlfriend just took over tumblr. I too searched for her name, learned that she is working for Warnerbrothers Music. Nice. Tom loves Music. I also found a few pics on facebook - posted them. Just so share what she looked like without big sunglasses - and you know simply why ? Because of cause I´m curious - it human nature - if you like someone, and he gets a new girlfriend - be it a brother, friend or the guy delieverin your package - you want to know about her.
Some chick - told me it were the same as hacking into his, Tom´s, Account? Please - are you kidding, really now how old are you. NO ONE HACKED her account. So no one looking at her pictures is disrespecting her. In fact all I read was oh beautiful, classy brunette, nice, and so on ...

But the craziest are the girls hammering other girls for want to know about her. She has now shut her Facebook Site down. I think she needed to put her Pictures down or change the Public to private. Cause of the wave of visitors on her site.
But I´m not surprised at all. Some thought that his fans would be nice and easy about it, but it´s been years since his last girlfriend - means he belonged to us - and now you got bitch-slapped, reality biting it´s teeth into your freakin heart. And girls are indeed greedy and scary. But if the melt-down is over. Their brain starts working again. I think they just need to work it out. They´ll come around.

It´s so strange to have this heaviness of emotions for someone you never met, some may not understand, but it´s the same if you fall in love with a freaking comic character - WTF? But I was so in love with Koji Nanjo and that dude wasn´t even real to begin with.
And in your mind you can tell yourself, you´ll never met him, it will never gonna be - ever. But your little, scattered heart doesn´t care - like at all. And this ugly monster of jelausy, envy and resentment is graoring in your stomache. You know it´s wrong and stupid. But you feel that way. And it´s okay. And the Internet is a great way you let your monster out.

Let it go. Than change the page, look at his smile, hear him talking his little jokes, let your smile come back and face that he is in love, his beautiful and generous heart is filled with love. And you know how that feels...enjoy that feeling - you´re feeling nearly the same way as him. And you´ll see the monster is gone now. Be happy - because he is happy. And the main thing is, we want Hiddles to be happy.

I think that´s all I wanted to say. So let´s love our Hiddles - and his Jane. Cause if she is so lovely that he fell for her - I´ll fall for her too.

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