
Only lovers left alive - or the funnel of true love

I just got back from the premiere Screening of Only lovers left alive in Düsseldorf. I´m still in some kind of trance. I don´t even know where to start - it was more like a slow dream or a poem even. The Story, the pictures and the music sucked me right in. I think I cried about 3 times - just from the empathy I felt for Adam and Eve. Adam is so appealing in every scene without even saying something. And Eve is so beautiful and warm, she really is his strengh.

The whole story was so touching for me, that I even forgot to fangirling about Tom´s gorgeous body. After the first Oh GOD his breast muscles are so argh... I left that behind and even the totally nude scene was more about vulnerability and trust.

At the end I was so into Adam´s mind that I also started crying as he discovers the libanese singer - the one he said later about she is too good for fame.

The end came so sudden ... and I was still so caught up that I stayed in my seat till the very end - the music of Adam didn´t help to get out of the seat.

If you can - go and see it - I had to travel for 2 hours to get to a cinema showing the movie - but it was totally worth it!

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